When I came to the
California Department of Corrections in the late 1970’s, there were actually
good trades, self-help and educational programs. There was no point system, and
transfers and programs you were involved in were based on your in-prison
behavior. Your residence was determined by your choices. One was not as much
punished over and over again, just because you were a prisoner. There were
programs open to choices and change. Incarceration is inherently revenge and
punishment—if you don’t believe it, spend some hours or a night in a prison or
As punishment
increased and became more politically attractive, most politicians abandoned
the efforts, and the cause of restorative justice. They piled onto the penal
system of punishment and inmate economics to win elections and line their
pockets. They wanted a prison in every county when they should have been
abolishing penal systems.
Politicians tightened
the noose of taking away any working programs in prisons throughout the 80’s,
90’s and most of the 2000’s. They paused in 2006 and brought the word
“rehabilitation” into the picture— California Department of Corrections and
“rehabilitation.” But, they have barely started to live up to that word.
Politicians feasted on the emotions and money of the public, victims on all
sides, and treated prisoners like prunes. No programs of change for decades. In
2006, when the state brought the word “rehabilitation” back, I had an op/ed
piece on self-rehabilitation published in the San Francisco Chronicle alongside
a text by the current Honorable State Attorney General Kamala Harris. Both
essays focused on rehabilitation.
When I came into
California prison system, there were only 12 prisons. In 1980 the state brought
in a point system based on some illusionary facts. A point system used to
enhance the punishment of all prisoners and particularly LWOPs and other
lifers. Although prisoners may not have broken any rules for years, their
punishment were enhanced.
I was in Soledad
prison at the time and they took me to classification committee and told me
that based on their point system, I can go only to Folsom or San Quentin. Back
then, both prisons were the last-stop prisons, before hell. I was under 21
years old, first time in prison and away from the heart of the high desert.
However, I wanted
to create or make amends for the social contract I had broken in this land. I
continuously strived to do and be the best, despite the lack of programs or
incentives. Not because I owed the state or penal system anything, but because
of love, truth, transformations inside myself that inspired me, and because it
was the realness thing to do.
I took full
advantage of any self-rehabilitative and educational programs available. It was
a tragedy that led to my incarceration—tragic on all levels. I wanted to make
amends, because my heart, soul and spirit were wounded by my actions, and had
wounded others. Only forgiveness, growth, restoration and love could heal the tear
I caused in the universe.
Tragedies sometimes
opens and blows out one’s heart and soul to do and be better. It awakens
you…why? I don’t know. I hope we all can continue to come together, instead of
looking at prisoners as the enemies, but as brothers and sisters in society who
have lost their way, humans who need to be restored and welcomed home.
Restorative justice and prison reform and sentencing reforms need to happen. It
has worked for the better in many countries, why not here? We all are human,
and of the same species, as long as we come from Mother Earth or this planet.
We are one collectively and we must embrace the endless pool of love inside all
of us.
I support the efforts of Geri Silva, Fair
Chance Project, Anti Recidivism Coalition and Barbara Brooks, Sentencing and
Justice Reform Advocacy. It’s about restorative justice, forgiveness, love,
peace and realness. We all are human, and as such we must share our journeys.
First published in
The Advocate, Volume 8 issue 3, Sentencing and Justice Reform Advocacy