Listen to Uncuffed! A radio series that started September 2018 with interviews produced by men inside Solano State Prison, aired on radio and as podcasts. 
The producers come from all walks of life. They are poets, musicians, actors, and writers who share a passion for revealing the human side of incarceration.
Uncuffed is supported by Arts in Corrections, a program of the California Arts Council with funding from CDCR. 
Listen to all the stories on Uncuffed.

Trailer for the documentary "Barstow" by Rainer Komers. Spoon is reading excerpts of his book "By Heart"

Trailer for the documentary "Spoon" by Michka SaƤl

Documentary of the production at San Quentin 1988

Spoon reading his poem At Night I Fly

Spoon reading his poem Paws

Ani DiFranco performing Nowhere But Barstow And Prison
Lyrics: Spoon Jackson, Music: Ani DiFranco

Official Trailer for the doumentary At Night I Fly

Trailer for the book By Heart

Spoon reading from By Heart

Luiz J Rodriguez talking about the anthology Too Cruel Not Unusual Enough and reading Spoon's poem No Beauty In Cell Bars

Co-author Judith Tannenbaum reading from By Heart

Judith Tannenbaum about teaching poetry in prison

Three Poems By Spoon Jackson a short documentary produced by Michel Wenzer  (trailer removed)

Uncuffed is a radio series starting 2018 with interviews produced by men inside Solano State Prison, aired on radio. Here's the first interview by Spoon: 
Free-spirited bluegrass musician remembers days riding the rails before his incarceration

Radio interview 2014 for the 7th Avenue Project Prison, Poetry, Two Lives with Spoon Jackson & Judith Tannenbaum
Listen to it on Soundcloud  

Radio interview for the 7th Avenue Project with Spoon after the book realease in spring 2010 where he talks about his background, listening, writing and prison.
Aired on The 7th Avenue Project

In an interview 2013 on the German radio station Deutsche Welle, Kate Laycock talks with Spoon about "how a prisoner serving life without parole became a published poet, took part in a wide range of international artistic collaborations, and found a way to 'go on', even when going on seemed impossible". This program is broadcasted worldwide.

Interview in six parts with Spoon 2009 on Swedish National Radio in the program "Verkligheten" (forward to the last ten minutes of each program).

1 comment:

  1. It’s incredible, writing poetry in prison, this is an inspirational story.
