
The Gosling Five Week 6

Due to TB tests today, I got out of the cell late, and I went directly to check on the Gosling Five. Of course the biggest and most aggressive gosling nipped my finger before poking hard for the bread. He also has the largest head. The other goslings are more gentle when they take food from my hands. Over night another layer of feathers appeared on the birds and the blues stemmed wing feathers for flying are much larger. Today a guard who has watched the geese said in about two weeks the goslings will fly away. It's too early I said, that will only be week seven and I think they at least must be eight weeks old. That is how old my Gosling Buddy was when he flew away.

Although the Gosling Five are acting more distant now and think they are more grown up sometimes teenagers think they are grown up too soon. Sometimes the goslings, especially the finger nipper leads the family around. They have attitude changes, sometimes when I call them they barely look at me. It's sad sometimes how soon we grow up or think we do. I'm sure they will fly away in a couple or a few weeks. It doesn't matter, still they will be gone.

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