
Diary New Folsom May 21

From over 90 degrees yesterday to overcast morning and a cool start. Window theater is open. Perhaps I'll see turkey chicks for the first time this spring. We have blues in the art room today, if the volunteer band member from the streets, Grass Valley, shows up. Otherwise it will only be a two person blues band, which means not much will get done. I jogged yesterday and today I'll walk a mile or so and do bar work on the small yard which is most often deserted. The big yard is where all the people are and the politics and drama. I'll also work on my letter to the Governor, although I wont send it until after I ask his office for a sentence reduction at a lower level prison. People say I should try for a pardon or something, so I will. I hope to find an attorney to help me get the paper work together.

(Editor's note: remember this is a diary from last year. Spoon has filed for commutation,  Habeas Corpus and to the Board of Prison Terms since then. What he would need is a lawyer to monitor his case)

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